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753: ◆ALICE6.PAk[saga]
2018/03/09(金) 02:39:45.46 ID:NNZK7x5c0

「DEC 17th ; birth」
「DEC 17th ; You came to M**y* Room 」
「DEC 18th ; You open the safebox No.7 by using "46cmv7iLrM"」
「DEC 19th ; You unlock Gray door」
「DEC 19th ; You unlock SkyBlue door」
「DEC 19th ; You open the safebox No.1 by using "JD.VwwZJF6"」
「DEC 20th ; You unlock DeepSkyBlue door」
「DEC 20th ; You open the safebox No.2 by using "07D3SU0V9s"」
「DEC 22th ; You unlock Maroon door」
「DEC 22th ; You open the safebox No.25 by using "d71IHLIpjQ"」
「DEC 22th ; You unlock Orange door」
「DEC 22th ; You open the safebox No.15 by using "zZ7exL.IXI"」
「DEC 26th ; You unlock GhostWhite door」
「DEC 26th ; You open the safebox No.11 by using "7sbKYO4R22"」
「DEC 28th ; You unlock Ivory door」
「DEC 31th ; You open the safebox No.12 by using "hNtm6TJI42"」
「DEC 31th ; You unlock MidnightBlue door」
「DEC 31th ; You open the safebox No.4 by using "aDr/rsx0nA"」
「JAN 3rd ; You unlock Crimson door」
「JAN 4th ; You open the safebox No.5 by using "DKuft05YpU"」
「JAN 6rd ; You unlock WhiteSmoke door」
「JAN 6th ; You open the safebox No.3 by using "lFfBFOlNZE"」
「JAN 7th ; You unlock YellowGreen door」
「JAN 9th ; You open the safebox No.8 by using "LXSRF7KacM"」
「JAN 11th ; You unlock GreenYellow door」

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