過去ログ - 一番クリックした奴が優勝inパー速 外交部 Part3
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2007/07/01(日) 01:20:37.44 ID:VlRRcM20
Good evening, my name is JJLi, and I am one of three editor in Hot_game board, PTT, Taiwan.

It is my first time to come here, and I'd like to ask the way to connect with IAN, the manager of the Click^3's server.
If you have the phone number, e_mail address, or even MSN address, please send e-mail for me.
My E-mail address (and MSN address) is "lisucb2312@hotmail.com", and welcome to add my MSN address into your friends list--^^b

These days here in Taiwan heard that you argue about should the weapon you use continue be used or not, because of the warn by IAN.
I think it should not be a problem. Use weapon and other ways to enjoy in this game has already become the war between contrys.
What IAN said is reasonable because his machine can't serve so many signals from Japan, Taiwan and Hungary.
But I don't think what we've done is wrong, other ways, I think we should did it more smart and cooperate with him in other way.
To make better weapon, told more people even in other country to use it, than encourge or help IAN to make some kind of gift for the champion...

It is just an idea in my mind, and I have no idea that it will be OK or not.

But what the end is, I wish that we will click together forever.
I wish one day, the click^3 will become the most famous game in the world,
people click and write weapons for their own country,
know each other, chat and make friends in click^3, use the games to enclose every one of us.

Thanks to listen to me, and wish everyone of you have a good night.

Cheers and by JJLi

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