So the old host gave me some problems, as you all may know sometimes the online.exe loader would backdate.. and would go crazy as well as the main site would. We also for some reason went over our bandwidth. Anyways, I've got a new host with unlimited bandwidth so we should be set. A thank you to everyone as this server wouldn't be here without any of you
If your looking for a place to hack on PsoBB and want to show your skill, please visit this is an independant server and isnt suported by Schtserv. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPEN THERE OR THE CONTENANT OF THE WEBSITE/FORUM. For more information about them or for any concern regarding this server please visit their website.
For all PsoBB legit player you are welcome and are at the right place, feel free to look around and if you have any question see our forum.
8/14のクロノの発言。 Sorry everyone, I'm not sure why we've been having so many crashes and such. I may be moving the login to my home computer so no crashes for the login happen at least. WE'll see how it goes though. Once again, sorry everyone, nothing I can do but wait and complain to the VPS host also. =/