We have some word from Hypah - apparently there's a problem with the server load that needs to be fixed before Drawball can get back online. We have a tentative fix time of "by Saturday" - keep your fingers crossed. - Gradient 我々にはHypahからいくらかの語があります−明らかに、Drawballがオンラインで戻ることができる前に、固定される必要があるサーバー荷に関する問題があります。我々は、試みを「土曜日までに」の時間を決定して ― 成功を祈ってください! ― もらいます。 - 勾配
31 :柿:2013/09/10(火) 19:40:34.77 ID:Pi6PmJym0
2013年9月7日 There was server hard drive trouble, requiring a replacement, and he hasn't had time to fix chat, but he will as soon as he gets a chance. No time estimate on WHEN, unfortunately. But at least the nagging feeling that silence = doom has lifted...
Gradientの他のサイトチャットでの質問への返事 2013-9-10 [Gradient] I got an email from him - there was a hardware crash on the server. I'm not sure if we're currently stuck on a backup server, or what. You can read some of the news/speculation at the top of the rainbow.
1:50 am Pacific Time - in Drawsum chat - Hypah (I hope) says he thinks he's fixed the glitch that was making the ball so slow, and he'll work on chat "tomorrow". Keep your fingers crossed!
Hypah said more on Drawsum chat - apparently, damaged backup files made it impossible for the ball to back itself up correctly the last two weeks. From Drawsum Chat: "Hypah: art was lost on DB? I'm very sorry guys. Drawball's original hard drive failed and a couple of files were corrupted before I could transfer them to the new server. the files themselves weren't that important... [but] it was enough to throw an exception that canceled the entire function devoted to stamping strokes into history,
which is why the past couple weeks of drawing were lost. At least I think that is what happened. I could have reduced the lost data to a few days rather than a few weeks if I were not a deadbeat admin" ... or if mods had been more persistent about the fact there was a real problem. So, we've lost the last two weeks of art. Sorry, everyone.
Gradient, 9 oct 2013 If you draw something nice, you can ask a mod to protect it; the mods decide what it worthy of protection. Otherwise, we ban damage to art if we spot it in time. We don't ban for damage to certain things, most notably genitals, text, tags, offensive symbols, national symbols.(such as flags).and sports or other logos...
Post by gradient on 4 hours ago I'm sad to report that J (St Joe) apparently died suddenly Friday evening, February 28, 2014. He leaves behind a wife and two children. No further details are known at this time.
gradient: For those who missed Drawball chat, we believe J (St. Joe) has died, according to his Facebook account. Drawballチャットを逃した人のために、我々は彼のFacebookアカウントによると、J(セントジョー)が死亡したと信じています。 4時間前
Yalais Dear Drawsum, terrible news, J passed away last friday. Some here knew him, he was fair, caring and an amazing artist. It's so sudden... May he rest in peace.
俺は傍から見てたクチではあるが"he was fair"だけは 突っ込まざるを得ない 何にせよ名を知る人が居なくなるのは悲しいもんやね