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I like my town, Toyonaka City. Toyonaka City is called a bedroom town in Osaka City. So, here is suitable town for living very much.
There are a lot of residential areas. Public facilities such as the schools and parks have been enhanced, too. There are eighteen school municipal junior high school in my city. Usually, name of school is decided by the name of a place etc. But, in my town, they are named by the number in completion the order. So, those numbers show those histories. The first Toyonaka municipal junior high school was founded in 1947. Moreover, the 18th Toyonaka municipal junior high school was founded in 1986. The 12th Toyonaka municipal junior high school to which I had gone was founded in 1973.
Because I did not know this year in my region, it was thought that this was natural.
This story when becoming the story of each coming from junior high school in the high school is told. “What junior high school coming from are you?” “I’m from 12th junior high school.” “12? Is it the numeral 12?” Classmates who went from other cities thought that it was natural that the school gave the name of the name of a place. “Where is it?” Certainly, the position cannot be understood only by the number. It did not notice it until being said though it was natural if said at all. It is easy for the relation of the name of the school to the name of a place to remember the place. Nevertheless, why did they make it to the distinction by the number?
I think that the character as the bedroom town is related to this. It is developed as a new residential quarter, and the number of residents increases. Then, whether "Where" is made to have to newly establish the junior high school in haste if necessary at the development plan might not have been able to be decided. In that case, the method to apply the name to the school in making order is convenient.
I envy the junior high school the name of a place attached a little. When my address is asked, I often answer in the habit from childhood as follows because my house is located near the 12th junior high school. “It is near 12th junior high school.” Then, a roughly similar answer comes back. “I do not understand what the 12 means!”