. :/ / ヽ \: . Komm,susser Tod 甘き死よ、来たれ .:/ / i ヽ ヽ:. .:/ i i ノ ヽ:. I know, I know I've let you down . :i i ! i | l ! i:. I've been a fool to myself .:| | l| ハヽ | i. | | リ/| ハヽ 、 li: . I thought that I could live for no one else . :!| ! レリ,.ゝトヽい| ノ/!_,iL,_'! 〉 l\: . But now through all the hurt & pain .:リ ヽ!| rやマ``' ' ゛ ´'!り シ゛ ! /: ∧:. It's time for me to respect .;小、', ヽ_`゛ _ノ,//: / ,ィ; . the one you love mean more than anything . :/\ヽ ハ\ヾ、. _'_ . ノ / ,イ: //ヾ:. So with sadness in my heart .:! ヽ`ヾヘソ心;.、 , イト!'´ // l:. (I)feel the best thing I could do is end it all . :l iヽ \ `'ヽ..` '´,..:! // '、l: . and leave forever .:/ l ヽ ` 、 `、 / / / ノ ヽ:. what's done is done it feels so bad .:/ l i、 〈\ヾン゙イ :∨ i: . what once was happy now is sad .:l ヽ i`ソー`フ〉'ヘく,_、、:i i:. I'll never love again :└- ァ、 ヽ_」 〈/!| ハ〉 :! _,、イ: . my world is ending .:l ``7:'´ / l.|」 :lー ''1:‐''´ i:. .:/ /: / :l. !: l: . . . .:/ i:、_ / :l i: ,、:1´: . . : :__;,.:.、r'゛\: . . :! /: ``'ーァ.、..,__,,.__ :l !:'"´ |-‐ '' "´ ̄`ヽ::::::::::::ゝ、\:. .:i /: / ノ/! ノ:.  ̄.:i !:、 ,.、.‐'."´`:'ヽ、 \: . . :i /: r'´: /. : 'ー'゛ . :i !: ヽ ,.、.‐'"´ . : :`ヽ、._ノ:. .:i. ハ.__ ,、 '"´. : .:i !: .  ̄. : . . : :ノ /:. .:i. !:. . :,. = '' _´ /: . . :! '‐- 、:_: .  ̄'´‐‐''" .:'、 r、 _ ` \: . ` '`  ̄ ,..-―'"::''::::'''::``''ヽ、,_ I wish that I could turn back time cos now the guilt is all mine /レ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ、 can't live without the trust from those you love // ∠、;;::::::::::_;‐'"~~ ̄ ̄'、:::::\ I know we can't forget the past you can't forget love & pride /::::'' ̄└w,';::::/∠;::::::::::::::::::::\/`ヽ, because of that it's kill in me inside ,'::::::::::::::::::::/:::/ 从,w7:::::::;:::::::::::::ヾヽ::::::| It all returns to nothing, it all comes |::::::::::::::::::/ //::::::::::_;:;;;;:::'':::/::ノ:::;;i|i、:::〈 tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down ヽ::::::::|::::〃'i':::::::/;/_,.-/ ,::イ .,ィ|::|::|: |i| It all returns to nothing, I just keep |i::::::::|::('.( |::::,::-:'::|'"~フ‐<ノノ/'' !゛ !| ! letting me down, letting me down, letting me down 〉|:::::ヽ::\'|:::::::::::::| ヾ7ツ‐ / In my heart of hearts |:!:::/i|::/'::`|:i:.:::::::::| ` .i´ I know that I called never love again /|::::ノ:ハ:|:::::::|:|::::::::::| ', I've lost everything everything /, ̄//!' l|\:l|、;::::::|:|. ' 、..,.―‐ everything that matters to me, matters in this world /::::ヽノ'゛ >、ト、;il'./~ /~i;::::::i, /、 ` ‐'ヽ `;::::::i, i、ヽ、 i ヽ|:::::::ヽ ! 'i::ヽ\ i |i::::::::::ヽ |:::::ヽ `‐、_ i ||:::::::::::::ヽー、. '"´|:::::nヽ `‐、 ヽ i|:::::::::/';、 i:/;|ヽ:'.、 `、 i |_,イ:::::::〉ヽ、 ト '、 ヽ`' i ', ';:::::<:::::::ヽ |:::::イ i i i .| ';:::::::`ヽ、ヽ |:/:::i ヽ / | .| | ..::::|::::::::::::::;`∨:::::::l ヽ | | -、,,,゙'''ミ'ヽ,,゙'゙-、、、 \, 〔 `i、 ,、-‐r、,、 I wish that I could turn back time cos now the guilt is all mine -、 ゙゙゙'-ヽ`'''‐、i、`'i、 }'i、 ゙l | ,i´ / ,、゙l、 can't live without the trust from those you love "''‐-、、, ミ'- `' ミ ヽ、 i、`!、゙l | |i|,v"/゙,/,_ノソノ I know we can't forget the past you can't forget love & pride -、,,__、 `'-,_´"'''-''-、、\、 ヾl,,'ミレ" ゙"」レ because of that it's kill in me inside `゙''ー-ミ゙"''‐-、,,, "''‐-‐、,,,_`゙'‐-、,ミ-、'"/、 /ヽ`″ It all returns to nothing, it just keeps "''‐--‐''‐‐-ミ-‐''"゙⌒''‐''゙゙'' ,,彡 /` ヾ-、`) tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down ,,,,、 " _,、-‐''‐''"二ニニ=!'' ,,/| / ゙〈 It all returns to nothing, I just keep 、,`゙''''=、-‐''"‐、-‐''"゙゙ ,,-'',-‐'〃,、゙| l .,` ヽ, .. ...:.::::::::::.:... . letting me down, letting me down, letting me down ゙>\_,,,ニ'''''''",,,´, _/,,‐,,r'/゙,/,,/l | ヽ、,ノ ノ ..:.:::;;;;;;,,''''''',,;;;;;;::.:... It all returns to nothing, it just keeps 二ヽ\<''',>''冫'゛ ,彡/゙/´,.//゙i|‐| ∧ , l′ . .:.:::::;;,,''''' . . .:.:::::.:.. .''''',,;::::.:... tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down ー'" ゙li、゙'\ ,,レ/'"`,i´//シ/″\\ i ト、.:.::::::;,,''' . .:.:::::::: : : ::::::::.: . '',;:::.:.. . It all returns to nothing, I just keep '"` `i、 `''r'" ,,/゛ ,///,i/ ,/\ \ 〉、\::::;';' ..:::::::;,;''"⌒ :`:、::::.. . ';',:::.:.. . letting me down, letting me down, letting me down