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1 :縺吶 ◆uFXugUv2Ig :2013/12/08(日) 11:32:53.68
Although I know all of Japan two of my favourite places are Tokyo and Kyoto. Tokyo has a modern city vibe which I always find exciting and Kyoto has the historical ancient traditions of Japanese culture which is interesting to people like myself.
"Some of my favourite memories are staying at a traditional Japanese hotel in Kyoto, sleeping on the floor and then sitting around by the open fire in the morning. Also playing to fantastic Japanese audiences!"

2 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします(大阪府) :2013/12/11(水) 15:56:40.81
   __,, , , , _ 、 ,,, ... ,, _ ..,_
 ー=、 、ー-、`ヽ、、ヽ`!i' , ,i",r'",-'"=ミ
    `ヽ`ヾ`、 ! ヽ ! l! i! !_i_/_<'"``
     `,ゝ、iliー'" "、,"、',  i, リ
      !/!,li ,;;-=o=-,ッィ=。ゥィ
  __  i、`!', '; `ー /;;!i、''; ,!
ー''`ヽ`,ーi'`''"!、ヽ , `一'、 /   __
    `il `i ! ヽ、   ̄ ̄ / iヽ、/ ,.ヽ_
     i! !`   `ーァ、-ー'  ! ノ!トi,!'",ノ-、
   ,..=、i! iヽ-、 rィ',;'!ヽー-、!  `/_,i' _,.!'、
ーニー-、._ `ヽゞニ-、.;' i! ! ,  `ト_ノ`x-'" ノ
=ニヽ、 , `, /ヾ=ソ ノ !/   !、`ー`''イ、
-ー-、 `i, / / ヽ `イ_,  i -'" ̄`! !   ヽ
   ゝノ /-'"  `   ' !    ヽ     !

   くにへ かえるんだな
   おまえにも かぞくがいるだろう・・・
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