俺だったら「魔我勇断」にして、ちょっと目立つフォントにする。副題は当然、The over side of that hillが必須だ カラーの1ページ目は文字ぐらいのシンプルなものしておいて、 2・3ページの見開きは魔王「この我のものとなれ、勇者よ!」 勇者「断る!」のシーンをやって、 魔我勇断の文字を強調してタイトルの意味が分かるようにしておく。
Although the term ma? is also used as king of mazoku, it is also commonly used as a general term of king of demons, king of devils, and more general, just an overlord, a dark lord or an archenemy of the hero.
Having a ma? in a series does not necessarily mean that there is a mazoku race for it to rule, a ma? can simply rule humans, monsters, anything or nothing at all. Der Erlkonig, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, widely translated as "Elf King" in English, was translated as 魔王 (Ma?) in Japanese. The term Daima? (大魔王 - great demon king) is sometimes used to suggest an even higher class being than the ma?. In Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, a term ch?ma? (超魔王 - ultimate demon king) is used to suggest an even higher class being.