several funeral photographs (characterised by the distinctive black ribbon at the top) suggest that the last owner was an old lady with a shock of white hair. I found her picture in several places around the house, suggesting that she either lived there or was loved very much by the owners.
>>569 He apparently had no children and sadly passed away in 1991. My guess is the portrait below found in the house is of this man, but I cannot find a single picture on the internet to confirm it.
There is evidence to suggest that Mr. J and his wife Mrs. K may have done – perhaps as a summer retreat (his address on the business card pointed to Tokyo). It is unclear whether or not he changed his surname after marrying, but given the huge weight it carries, I highly doubt that he did. Considering, then, that all the mail stacked up in the house reads the Japanese surname, I suspect that his in-laws may have lived here or that the house was registered in his wife’s name.
I did find a Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper dated 1997 inside the house next to a funeral photograph of a Japanese lady suggesting that the last time a relative visited the house was around this time (unread mail dates back around this time too).
It’s been a while, but conversation about the unknown members of the ‘Royal House’ haikyo family has flared up again. This time, the knowledgeable folk on 2ch have come through with some impressive theories and leads on characters.